Hi..... ,

The months and weeks have gone by so quickly and I just realized it's already coming September.  That means my daughter will be having a 1 week school holiday.

I haven't really launched my business but I'm grateful I'm already getting good results.  I would like to take this chance to do a 1 week School Holiday Sale as a way to show my appreciation and gratitude to you.

Do note that this sale last for 1 week only! Today till 9th September and while stocks last!

This is for you if you are a crystal lover:

30% off all my crystal products.

Extra Bonus when you are first 10 people who participate in this sale:
  • 1 x One Card Reading (valued at $57)
  • 1 x 15 mins follow up call (Priceless: Most clients experience their A-HA moments during the call)
Can't find something you like?

Customize your crystal bracelet at only $77! (Usual rate starts at $138....)

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At a cross road? Not sure what to do?

When I offered the $10 1 Card Soul Love reading, it was a total hit. Here it is again. but this time, it's not only going to just 1 card drawn from the deck, I'm going to do a FULL Soul Love reading for you at a minimum investment of only $57 ! (Your usual investment is $97)

  • 1 x 15mins follow up call (Priceless: Most clients experience further breakthroughs during this call)
  • 15 mins Distant Love Clearing Session (Valued at $97)
  • 1 x Crystal for healing to continue ($37)
Total value of BONUS Gifts: $137 + no charge for your breakthroughs because it's priceless!)

** Distant Love Clearing Session is only a general clearing which will take place at 9pm (SIN time, 9am Est).  If you cannot receive the energy "live", you may call in the energy before you sleep and healing will take place while you are sleeping.

*** Please email me your 1 question (if any) to once payment is done.

Mode of Payment:
  • Paypal (
  • Posb Savings Account 172319343

Read more about Soul Love Series here. >>>>>

Please take not that all readings are done by me personally and not by some computer generated software. Your readings and healing are highly personalized.